DS SIMULIA ABAQUS 2016.0 Win/Linux x64 [2016, ENG]

Today, product simulation is often being performed by engineering groups using niche simulation tools from different vendors to simulate various design attributes. The use of multiple vendor software products creates inefficiencies and increases costs. SIMULIA delivers a scalable suite of unified analysis products that allow all users, regardless of their simulation expertise or domain focus, to collaborate and seamlessly share simulation data and approved methods without loss of information fidelity.

The Abaqus Unified FEA product suite offers powerful and complete solutions for both routine and sophisticated engineering problems covering a vast spectrum of industrial applications. In the automotive industry engineering work groups are able to consider full vehicle loads, dynamic vibration, multibody systems, impact/crash, nonlinear static, thermal coupling, and acoustic-structural coupling using a common model data structure and integrated solver technology. Best-in-class companies are taking advantage of Abaqus Unified FEA to consolidate their processes and tools, reduce costs and inefficiencies, and gain a competitive advantage.
Abaqus6.11 delivers on SIMULIAs strategic commitment to provide scalable,high-quality realistic simulation solutions with new capabilities andmore than 100 customer-requested enhancements.
SIMULIA customers in awide range of industries “ including aerospace, automotive, consumerpackaged goods, energy, and life sciences “ are using Abaqus to explorethe real-world physical behavior of products and materials, in order toimprove performance, reliability and safety, while reducing developmenttime and costs.

Here are some Features of "Abaqus":


Electromagnetics solver for problems requiring time-harmonic eddycurrent analysis, such as the hardening of a bearing surface due toinduction
Smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) capability for modeling violent free-surface flows, such as fluid sloshing
Ability to define a spatially varying velocity when specifyinginflow and outflow conditions and wall boundary conditions for a fluiddynamic analysis

Modeling & Visualization:

Interactive mapping capability for importing and applying spatiallyvarying parameter values based on an external data source, such aspressure loads from a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) application
Capabilities for more realistic and efficient large-scale fastenermodeling for applications such as rivets on an aircraft fuselage
Ability to display stress variation on beam sections, such as structuralmembers of an offshore platform subjected to wave loading
Additional options for freebody force and moment output including theability to display output at multiple sections and history plots


Abaqus/Standard can be executed in parallel on shared memorycomputers equipped with compute-capable graphics processing unit (GPU)cards
Scalable thread-parallel execution capability of theparallel AMS eigensolver, for solving larger symmetric eigenvalueproblems faster
Parallel cavity radiation scheme for modelingheat transfer effects due to radiation in enclosures, such as heattransfer in an engine exhaust
Parallel frequency response solverto support shared memory parallel (SMP) with up to 24-cores, providingclass leading performance


Abaqus TopologyOptimization Module (ATOM) provides topology and shape optimizationcapabilities that accounts for material nonlinearity and contact
Enhanced CATIA V5 Bidirectional Associative Interface (AI) providesseamless parameter updating for rapid design analysis iterations.



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